Ready to embark on a new adventure?
The famous TEDx conferences gather TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) experts or enthusiasts all over the world, who share ideas on stage with the universal purpose to create a better world by sharing « ideas worth spreading ».
27000 TEDx have already been held worldwide up until now, in more than 170 countries, including 3700 just for 2018.
This year, « Ultra-Nomadic Island » will be the topic of TEDxFortdeFrance, intending to highlight the openness induced by the insular life and the ability of our Island to connect with the wold.
The event will be held on Saturday 6 June 2020 in Fort-de-France.
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Ideas worth spreading are, above all, ideas that allow everyone to better understand the world.

The conferences of TEDxFortdeFrance, are designed to provide the audience with a truly immersive experience, with inspirational talks, artistic and humourous performance. Because we always learn better with our heart !

From the scenography to the conception of the talks, by going through the spread ideas, Design has a fundamental role in TEDxFortdeFrance at all levels, so it offers to the speakers the precious casket their ideas deserve.

Because we are intellectually and financially independent, our program reflects nothing but our intuitions and convictions about the richness of the ideas we share.